


夏天常常被蚊咬十分困擾?被蚊咬的後果可大可小,輕則紅腫、痕癢,重則可感染登革熱、日本腦炎等疾病。1 研究顯示,大約有20%的人比其他人更常被蚊子叮咬。2 究竟是什麼原因導致這些人較為「惹蚊」?又有什麼有效的防蚊大法?以下就為你一一講解,讓你於夏日遠離蚊咬。 


  1. O型、AB型血: 這兩種血型較吸引蚊子,而蚊子可從人體皮膚發現訊號,從而分辨其血型3-5 
  2. 呼吸頻密:蚊子能探測二氧化碳,越頻密地呼吸會排出越多的二氧化碳,從而吸引蚊子
  3. 體溫高:蚊子受熱力吸引,因此天氣炎熱或運動時更容易被蚊子叮咬
  4. 多汗:汗水含有的酸性物質入乳酸(Lactic acid)會吸引蚊子8
  5. 皮膚上較多細菌:皮膚上的細菌會轉化成氣味,皮膚問題如濕疹,亦會增加被蚊子叮咬的機會
  6. 孕婦:孕婦比其他人呼吸較頻密,而且體溫較高 10 
  7. 小朋友:小朋友的體溫較成人高 7,11 
  8. 喝酒:喝酒導致口腔的氣味及體味改變,而蚊子更受這種氣味吸引12 
  9. 重口味飲食:常吃甜、辣、鹹味及含豐富鉀質的食物13 
  10. 深色衣物:蚊子喜歡降落在綠色、黑色的地方14 
  11. 噴香水:香水的氣味容易吸引蚊子,特別是花香調的氣味15 


  • 穿著寬鬆、淺色的長袖上衣及長褲
  • 遵照產品標籤上的說明,於外露的皮膚及衣服上塗上含避蚊胺(DEET)成分的昆蟲驅避劑
  • 如房間沒有空調設備,應裝置蚊帳或防蚊網
  • 在門窗等入口處放置驅蚊器
  • 避免使用有香味的化妝品或護膚品
  • 保持環境清潔
  • 防止積水,以避免蚊子滋生


  1. 衛生防護中心. 預防蚊子傳播的疾病. Available at:,%E7%94%B1%E8%9F%8E%E5%92%8C%E8%9C%B1%E5%82%B3%E6%92%AD%E3%80%82&text=%E8%A6%81%E9%A0%90%E9%98%B2%E5%82%B3%E7%97%85%E5%AA%92%E4%BB%8B,%E5%8F%AE%E5%92%AC%EF%BC%8C%E4%B8%A6%E9%98%B2%E6%AD%A2%E5%85%B6%E6%BB%8B%E9%95%B7%E3%80%82. Accessed 16 June 2023
  2. Guelbeogo et al. Variation in natural exposure to anopheles mosquitoes and its effects on malaria transmission. Elife. 2018.
  3. Khan et al. Host‐seeking behavior and fecundity of the female Aedes aegypti to human blood types. Pest Management Science. 2021.
  4. Shirai et al. Landing preference of Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) on human skin among ABO blood groups, secretors or nonsecretors, and ABH antigens. Journal of medical entomology. 2004.
  5. Jaff. Higher frequency of secretor phenotype in O blood group–its benefits in prevention and/or treatment of some diseases. International journal of nanomedicine. 2010.
  6. National Institute of Health. How mosquitoes detect people. Available at: Accessed 16 June 2023
  7. Zermoglio, P. F., Robuchon, E., Leonardi, M. S., Chandre, F., & Lazzari. What does heat tell a mosquito? Characterization of the orientation behaviour of Aedes aegypti towards heat sources. Journal of insect physiology. 2017.
  8. Raji et al. Aedes aegypti mosquitoes detect acidic volatiles found in human odor using the IR8a pathway. Current Biology. 2019.
  9. Ellwanger et al. Variability in human attractiveness to mosquitoes. Current Research in .Parasitology & Vector-borne Diseases. 2021.
  10. Lindsay et al. Effect of pregnancy on exposure to malaria mosquitoes. The Lancet. 2000.
  11. Geneva et al. Normal body temperature: a systematic review. Open forum infectious diseases. 2019.
  12. Hawkes et al. The mosquito: An introduction. Mosquitopia. 2021.
  13. Paskewitz et al. Impact of consumption of bananas on attraction of Anopheles stephensi to humans. Insects. 2018.
  14. Pollard et al. Maximising mosquito collections from barrier screens: the impacts of physical design and operation parameters. Parasites & vectors. 2019.
  15. Fradin. Mosquitoes and mosquito repellents: a clinician’s guide. Annals of internal medicine. 1998.